The answer is "Of course there is. Only the other options are either not as good, more expensive, or both."
The other options are sperm retrieval followed by in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or donor sperm and assisted reproduction (ART) or adoption. Nothing against those last 2 options, most people who come to my office or who read my blog want their own biological child. So that leaves only 2 options: vas reversal or sperm retrieval with IVF.
So which is best?
The answer is "it depends."
It depends on. . .
- the female partner's age
- the skill of the vasectomy reversal doctor
- the time interval since the vasectomy in years
- the number of IVF attempts you can afford
If you knew all these things, and you had a great statistical mind, you could plug the answers into a computer program and get an number. The number would be a probability of success--pregnancy--after either course of action.
If you did not have a great statistics knowledge, you could hire a statistician to find out the answer.
That is what I did.
If you want to know what you should do, click here.